Nebelmeer Gloria Rech
2-night stay in B&B or half board with painting course by Gloria including painting material provided by L'Arte e Restauro Trento
Gloria is an artist who is increasingly establishing herself, at this link her artist website Gloria Rech
She will teach you how to choose the subject, modify it, compose it.
The creative process and how to learn to listen to it.
Images given by Gloria and live images will be used.
The course will take place on Saturday from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm and on Sunday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
The material included in the price will be composed of:
-Cadmium yellow
-Alzarino red
-Three Da Vinci brushes
-Prepared boards for oil painting
All the material is provided by L'Arte e Restauro Trento;