Pump Track
The Pumptrack is an artwork, a mix between professionality and improvisation.
A sequence of humps and parabolic turns covered by asphalt that makes the track suitable for every mean with either two or four wheels. Bikes, push scooter, skateboards, roller-skates, it can be used by everyone! The most important thing is to have fun together.
The Pumptrack is a structure appropriate for all ages; it creates a bound between children and parents; everyone with their own level and ambitions.
The secret of the Pumptrack is to “pump” using both arms and legs, taking advantage of the parts downhill to get over the ones uphill.
The more coordinate you are, the faster you go… the faster you go, the best experience you will have!

The Pump Track of Lavarone is created is a simmetric and mirrored way, it is the first in Italy with this unique structure.
It is nearly 200 meters long on an area of around 1000 m2.
These measures allow the host of competiotions of all levels: from the national championships to the international ones.
Situated at the beginning of the ski lift in Bertoldi, in the ski area close to the BikePark Lavarone, the Pumptrack have all the services useful for a biker available: bike washing, repair shop and rent shop for every need.
Rent price per hour: 15 €
The price includes the dirt bike and the helmet that allows you to have fun with while being safe.
Al FolgaRide Bike Park di Serrada troverai una pump track per accontentare le esigenze di grandi e piccoli.
Noleggio situato a Serrada, sotto pista Martinella, che mette a disposizione noleggio di bike freeride, downhill, bmx strider, monopattino, skate e protezioni.
Un'officina attrezzata e un team di meccanici qualificati saranno lieti di fornirvi l'assistenza di cui avete bisogno, dispongono infatti di attrezzature specifiche e utilizzano solo componenti delle migliori marche.
Loc.Serrada, sotto pista Martinella
+39 3281704269